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Monday 20 June 2011

Retail Marketing - Sales Down

The UK economy is still in a slump as retail sales are down; so what is the answer?

The government believe that by changing Vat prices (again) this will kick start the economy. 

However the problem goes much deeper than just the retail sector and high street shops; looking at the wider market sectors are facing very real problems.

As manufacturing has gone offshore, construction has slowed and car sales have gone down many sectors are wondering how to tackle a future that looks uncertain.

If any town is like Basingstoke; they will see that many high street shops are closing (due to high rent prices) and many are offering reduced prices on goods.  Fathers day sales, summer sales, anything just to shift stock and get people spending.

The problem then comes around again, people spending money that they do not have raises the average families debt and the ones that actually benefit from the cycle are the credit card companies (or banks).
Shops are aggressive in their marketing, competing with each other to stand out with bold signs, loud music, comfy chairs and attractive sales staff (in some cases) to try and get custom.  However will this solve the problem?

The chances of there being yet another Vat change is highly likely, but the chances that we will see retail sales increase and restored to their former glory is unlikely.

Future posts on retail sales will tell the story - wait and see.

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